How are the Jerusalem Crosses a Part of Our Divine History?

The crucifix or cross is the original symbol of Christianity which depicts the death and resurrection of Jesus. The cross’ importance and meaning have changed throughout the religious and cultural evolution of various aspects of history. The crucifix is depicted by the figure of Jesu on the four-fold cross and an inscription on the top INRI. The various deviation of crosses throughout the history of the developing stage of faith is the Jerusalem cross, Greek cross, Celtic cross, and Latin cross. The elaborate works are done on the Greek and jerusalem crosses while the Latin cross is the simplest version. The Nazareth store offers the divine collection of Jerusalem and pectoral crosses.

The historical origin of the Jerusalem crosses

The Jerusalem crosses dates back to the 11th century often known as the crusaders cross. It’s denoted by a large cross in the center surrounded by four smaller crosses on each side like a plus sign. It’s called as crusader cross also as in 1099 the crusaders captured Jerusalem bringing Christianity to different parts of the world. One of the crusaders had established the Jerusalem cross as the symbol of a newly established state. There are a few Equestrian orders of holy believers that use this symbol for their benefit and as an emblem of the order. The emblem often vocalizes their purpose to preserve Christianity in Jerusalem. 

The symbolization of crosses

As the various division of catholic beliefs, the cross also represents various things. It noted down in the old scrolls that the four crosses surrounding the large center cross represent the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. The large cross symbolizes Jesus. The other version of four small crosses means the four corners of the earth where initial Jesus had instructed to preach his teachings. Many different versions claim that the five crosses all together show the five holy wounds of Jesus. All these descriptions show the variation in the meaning of crosses depiction throughout history making it divine from all angles.

The exquisite collection of the store

The store offers a personalized yet exquisite collection of crosses like Jerusalem and pectoral crosses. These serve an important role in presenting gifts to priests and laity as a token of gratitude and as a way of appreciating their immeasurable contribution to the catholic community. The crosses are specially handcrafted with utmost care and delicate handling keeping in mind the sole purpose of it. The Swarovski crystals are embedded into it to give a divine touch. The metal used is gold or rose gold. These crosses are quite lightweight and suspended by a strong gold cord for the special purpose of gifting.

The article is written with the sole purpose of reminding us of the rich cultural and religious history which has helped us through the ages. The same history shows us the importance and meanings of every small aspect of the catholic teachings. The cross holds a very strong religious importance and from the faith point of view. Thus, the Nazareth store aims to create the same passion for the catholic believers in the store items like handcrafted jerusalem cross pendant. The goal of the store is to focus on connecting spiritually and provide guidance to the righteous path shown by Jesus as he sacrificed himself to save humanity.



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